OK, I don't know of a decent guide anywhere that covers this whole process, so I thought I'd better step up. If you want to watch BluRay structures on your PS3 without losing stuff like VC-1 video, DTS-HD audio etc, then this is for you.
The first step is to use TSMuxer to create a BluRay structure. In the example below, I'm doing Independence Day. Untick the streams you don't need:
You can tell TSMuxer to output directly to your USB disk or copy it over afterwards, it doesn't matter. At this point, make sure you have AVCHDManager on the root of your USB drive. Let's have a quick overview of AVCHDManager and why its needed before we continue:
Moving on, there are 2 buttons in AVCHDManager which you should use on every movie - 'Identifiy' and 'AVCHDMe'.
The Identify button
The first column just shows a list of directories which appear to contain a valid BluRay/AVCHD folder structure. The next column is the title of the movie. This is stored in a "details.txt" file inside each movie folder and for that reason, they will all say "Unknown" if you are using AVCHDManager for the first time. Before you do anything else, click "Identify" and enter the name of the movie, do this for all movies in your list.
Lets say we have run all the necessary fixes on the 'Aliens' folder and renamed it to 'AVCHD'. We have watched the movie, thoroughly enjoyed it and now want to watch Superman. This would be done by simply clicking on the Superman folder and pressing 'Make Default'. So AVCHDManager needs to rename the 'AVCHD' folder back to 'Aliens' and then rename the 'Superman folder to 'AVCHD'. How does it know to rename back to 'Aliens' though? That's why we need the details.txt and the Identify button.
The AVCHDMe button
A requirement that the PS3 demands of an AVCHD folder is that the files inside must be in the 8.3 standard. That is to say, they must be no longer than 8 characters with a 3 letter file extension. AVCHDMe renames all files for you to this standard.
To make the process a bit smoother, put the following in Notepad and save as autorun.inf:
[Autorun]Place autorun.inf on the root of your USB drive and you'll get this handy right-click menu option on the drive which will launch AVCHD Manager:
shell\Manage=Manage AVCHD folders
There's quite a lot there but once you've got your head round it, it's fairly straight forward. Each time you copy a new movie to your USB drive, make sure you ID it thus creating the details.txt file and that you click AVCHDMe to fix all the clpi issues and rename the files. Other than that, you will just be connecting the drive, choosing your next movie and clicking 'Make Default'.
AVCHD Manager: Quickly set default AVCHD folder on external drive
This tool is for managing you collection of AVCHD folders on an external hard disk (although it should work on any USB device).
With all these great AVCHD authoring tools popping up, AVCHD on a FAT32 hard drive has quickly become my authoring method of choice for playback on the PS3. Trouble is, my FAT32 drive now contains lots of titles and I'm sick of renaming them all the time. I've written this tool to make that process quicker and easier.
Place the .exe on the root of your USB device and run it. It looks like this:
There is now an updated version which has a "Done (Safely remove drive)" button which does what it says really. This new function has been tested and confirmed working on Vista and XP.
Update All functions of new AVCHDMe are included as is AVCHD-Undo. Also added Explore button and space free on drive and list is now sorted alphabetically.
Update Red/green flags next to each movie to indicate if filenames adhere to 8.3 standard or not so it's now easy to see which movies you need to run AVCHDMe on and which movies are already PS3 ready at a glance. Also added tooltips for long movie titles which dont fit in the column, tooltips for a few of the buttons and an "Export to text file" button which will save your movie list to a text file.
Update Added error checking for copying of fixlcpi.exe and fixclpi.exe is now cleaned up from the CLIPINF folder after running AVCHDMe and added workaround for Vista UAC. Exported movie list now includes folder sizes.
Update Removed all CLPI fixes as new TSMuxer takes care of these. Made proper icon for app.
Update Added list box at the bottom to display multiple titles - this is intended to display all the seperate items you have put in the same AVCHD using MultiAVCHD. Added video/audio codec, duration and imdb URL (these must be defined in details.txt). New Identify function lets you enter all this extra information. MultiAVCHD has already been updated to output the new format details.txt.
Update Bugfix which fixes problem where empty rows with a red sqaure would appear if no details.txt existed. AVCHDManager can now be run from any location - doesn't have to be the root of a drive. Improved insertion of IMDB links where the user hasn't defined one. Incorporated new workaround for UAC - shouldn't prompt every time it is run now. Couple of minor bugfixes.
Download here.
Also, if you put the following in Notepad and save as autorun.inf:
[Autorun]and place that on the root of your USB drive, you'll get this handy right-click menu option on the drive which will launch AVCHD Manager:
shell\Manage=Manage AVCHD folders
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